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Are your patients medical records secure?

Health care

Your organization faces intense economic competition all round. To manage around this managing cost becomes part of the ecosystem. As a health institution handling paper information can be quite intense.

Records such as patient charts, patient information forms, insurance claim forms, treatment authorization forms occupy the organization’s physical space. Your handling of these paper documents can be quite manual and inefficient.

Patients at the same time have rights to obtain copies of their medical records. Medical records are personal records and require a high level of security. These are only to be accessed by correct authorization. These records are to be stored securely with rigorous archiving and disposition policies.

Healthcare digitization

Streamline your healthcare document management processes through document digitization and an electronic document management system.

Document intensive processes like billing, financial and Human Resources can be aligned and brought up to speed with an electronic document management solution. You can reduce your operation costs by going paperless through use of digital documents stored in the EDMS central repository.

Solutions to your healthcare document challenges:

Digitization in healthcare

Digitizing your paper documents

Scanning and capturing your patients personal records that have accumulated over the years will ensure their stay. Having them in paper format not only leads to the documents deterioration but their privacy and confidentiality can be tampered with.

Having the patient’s records digitized increases their confidentiality. These can then be stored in a central repository to be accessed by authorized personnel only.

Your physical space used for records storage can be utilized for other productive activities.

Electronic document management solution

As a healthcare organization an Electronic Document Management System will ensure secure storage of your patients personal records.

An electronic document management system will also provide simultaneous access to patient information across the board.

  • This can enable your productivity tracking and accountability, ensuring turnaround time is kept.
  • This can provide faster response to patient enquiries.
  • This can reduce paper costs like storage, duplications costs.
  • This can streamline compliance according to kenya data protection act 2019.
  • This can improve information security and document integrity

Multiple users can view files simultaneously

Electronic document management solution in health
Document shredding in healthcare

Disposal of your paper documents

Documents that have reached their retention period can be easily disposed of through shredding to eliminate completely easy access to patient personal records.

It is appropriate if you dispose of highly sensitive documents through shredding. This can then be recycled for reuse.