Our Services
How much is having paper based document workprocess costing you, your clients and taxman?
As a business, digitization would be the ultimate goal that would ensure all these obstacles are eliminated. By backlog scanning all your paper documents less frequently used, having an electronic document management system in place or cloud storage and ensuring that documents that have reached their retention period are disposed in a safe, secure, confidential and environmentally friendly manner.
Backlog scanning (Document scanning)
Having hordes of paper documents and you don’t know what to do? We will always be there to support you in sorting, categorizing and aligning your documentation process department by department.
Document management systems
Having difficulties on the best way to manage your work process? We are here to advise you on the most appropriate electronic document management system for your size of business with a focus on managing your cost and increasing your productivity and efficiency.
Document shredding (Document destruction)
How safe is your information?
When your paper documents have reached their retention period, the best way to dispose of your confidential documents is through shredding to minimize information leakage.
Technical prints
Turning Design concepts into reality in the construction industry
We support Architects, Engineers and Contractors in the design phase to convert their drawing designs into quality paper prints for Presentation, Approval purposes, Tendering and Site usage.
Paper based work process would cost you…………
A lot of time spent on searching,filing of paper documents. Filling in log sheets for files taken or brought back which might sometimes be forgotten.
Stress when searching for document that cannot be found.
- Losing or misplacing important and confidential documents
- Paper documents damaged and in poor condition due to overhandling by different stakeholders
- Fraudulent loss of confidential documents by untrustworthy employees
- Manual entry on the log sheet of collection and return of paper document files slowing down the document processing and approval time.
- Increase in paper storage space due to increase in paper document files as years go by.
- With increase in paper document files means increase in document search time reducing productivity time.
- Manual document file means complacency meaning paper documents might not be filed immediately so losing documents is easy.
- Disconnect between departments because each department creates its own documents and might as well have its own document labeling system.
Where You will be...........................
Your work process is completely electronic would be able to give you that peace of mind that your documents are in a safe place and accessibility is just by a click.
Your budget will determine the system you are likely to go for. The return on investments on using an electronic document management system are huge in the long run.
- This would make tracking of your documents in real time easy and immediate.Losing or misplacing documents is reduced.
- Reduce searchability time by just keying in the associated field name and getting the digital document in real time.
- Employees can now use their time in more productive tasks thus improvement in performance is likely to occur.
- Retention of documents in digital format can be easily managed by keying in retention periods thus being alerted when retention is due. Also disposing of documents at the right time is made easy thus documents are not kept beyond their time.
- Reduced stress in repairing and managing damaged documents which might lead to lost information from these documents.
- Integrating departments would be made easier because of the integration of systems thus increased flow of communication between departments.