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Home » Why Do-It-Yourself Hard Drive Destruction Is Dangerous

Why Do-It-Yourself Hard Drive Destruction Is Dangerous

    By Hellen lubanga


    Data Security is a big deal, and it is becoming an even bigger deal now that more and more countries are coming up with legislation meant to protect consumer data by holding companies accountable for how they collect, store and share said data. With this in mind today we shall look at the reasons why a do it your self-approach; commonly referred to as a DIY approach; may not be the best idea for you or your company.

    1. Data Security is a Huge Concern for the Government

    Cybercrime is a growing worry for most businesses. With the introduction of data protection legislation. Choosing not to adhere to data protection laws can be treated as a considered a crime as the government will have zero tolerance for leaving data exposed. Most businesses, have access to or tore very sensitive information such as account information, passwords, account details, medical histories, etc. It is because of this; your business should seriously consider destroying its data after it’s done being used to avoid the consequences of not adhering to the law.

    2. Do-It-Yourself Methods are Risky

    When researching the ways to destroy data, some may seem expensive making it enticing to simply take matters into your own hands and destroy the data yourself with the tools you have such as a hammer or hand-held drill.

    However, this is extremely dangerous and can result in a trip to the hospital or worse in the extreme. Shards from broken hard drives can cause serious injury if they are not disposed of correctly. Imagine accidentally leaving behind shards of metal somewhere your colleagues, family, minors or even pets usually access to. The risk is never worth the amount you may save.

    Furthermore, many people often underestimate the dangers that are present when demolishing hard drives. Interacting with highly toxic material such as strong magnets or tubs of Acid should be left to the professionals and under no circumstances should they be done at home or workplace.

    3. Manually deleting files Does not erase the data

    Another thing that people remember is that hacking is evolving the exact same way technology is. Hacking methods are becoming much more advanced to the point even deleted files can be retrieved as long as you possess the necessary know-how. Deleting files off of your device is not an adequate solution anymore as deleting data still leaves it on the hard drive anyway meaning data destruction is the only full-proof way to ensure the security and anonymity of your sensitive information

    4. Using software to erase data is not full proof either

    Sometimes organizations turn to computer programs that can scrub your hard drive s an alternative. Programs such as these render the data on a hard drive to an unrecognizable form that hackers could not decipher. Though this may be less costly It is, however, not 100% foolproof like data destruction is because, at the end of the day, any data that is scrambled through a program still leaves the hard drive intact. While most top-of-the-market erasure programs are thorough, there still exists a possibility that not all of the data will be destroyed. Total Destruction of the hard drive gives company owners and employees peace of mind ad they are assured that their and their client’s information is completely destroyed.

    Key take away

    Hard drive destruction should only be carried out by professionals seeing that information disposal is subject to regulation. The most advisable way of destroying a hard drive safely is by using the services of a certified data destruction company. That’s where we come in.

    Cadtech Services Limited handles everything from data erasure to secure destruction of hard drives, to paper shredding. We ensure that your data is securely handled in a manner most convenient to our clients. stop worrying about potential hard drive breaches today by reaching out to us to discuss the best data destruction package for you or your organization. Learned anything new? Share this article with anyone who you think would benefit from learning about the secure destruction of hard drives.